Monday, September 29, 2014

How to Save As Much Energy as You Can in Your Home

How to Save As Much Energy as You Can in Your Home
Realty Times- By Julia Gomes Monday, 29 September 2014
If yours is like other households, meeting your financial obligations each month may be getting harder to achieve.  There are some interesting ways that you and your family members can save as much energy as possible so that your utility bill can be lower each month and under your budgeted amount.  Let’s look at some questions that you can pose to your family so that you can begin to work together on cutting your energy bill drastically before winter arrives.

1.      First examine the type of light bulbs that you are using so that you can be assured that they are low energy rated bulbs.  Different kinds of bulbs use less electricity and can help to reduce your utility bills and will last longer too.

2.      When you or a family member leaves a room are you turning the lights off?  When children or teenagers exit their rooms, make sure that they develop the habit of switching the lights off so you won’t be illuminating an empty room and wasting energy that could be easily saved.  Forming good conservation habits when they are young will help your children become thrifty savers in the future.

3.      Adjust your thermostat down a couple of degrees and you’ll be surprised at the savings that you realize on your quarterly energy bills especially during the winter.  By keeping a consistently lower temperature throughout your home you’ll be cutting your energy costs significantly.

4.      Wearing an extra layer of clothing around the house can also help you to save money on your energy bill; you won’t be uncomfortable when you adjust the temperature in your home and you’ll be cozy in your additional clothes.  If you are struggling to meet your energy bill each month, this could be an immediate solution to your problem and one in which all family members can participate.

5.      Check the insulation that you have in your home.  If it’s not adequate, you should arrange to have additional insulation added so your heating and cooling system will work more effectively.  You specifically need to check the loft and cavity wall insulation so you can run a more energy efficient household.

6.      What type of glazing do you have in your windows?  Many old homes still have the single glazed windows which tend to let draughts in and the heat from your home out.  It’s more economical to use double or triple glazed windows so that you can avoid losing heat through these openings;  The professionals on this website can offer you advice and expertise that is unmatched in the industry; they are knowledgeable about what will work best for your needs and can extend competitive pricing to you.

From drawing the curtains at night to switching off your appliances such as your television, DVD player, and audio equipment, you can find a plethora of ways to save a great deal of energy in your home.

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